26 November 2009


this seems appropriate for my 300th post. i've been wondering what it would be.

for a long time i've thought Thanksgiving was a stupid holiday, because i have a problem with the American habit of eating to excess and producing shockingly irresponsible amounts of waste. but it can be a powerful opportunity, if you take it, to sit down and really think about what you're thankful for.

i am so thankful for this life.
for the way things always seem to fall into place.
for the fact that i've never had to worry about having food in my stomach, a roof over my head, or medicine when i need it.
for a body that works the way i want it to.
for literacy.
for the chance to do things i believe are important.
for the best friends i've ever had in my life.
for a family who are so incredibly accepting, no matter what i throw at them.
and most of all, for tomorrow, and the chance for things to get even better.