02 August 2009

hippy-dippy thought for the day:

water should never be sold. who was it who decided you could own water? this may be the stupidest idea ever. it's water. everybody needs it, and nobody can live without it. how can you own that? you'd never sell "bottled air"....

that said, there should be a mechanism to make water clean and safe to drink. and there are many, and those do have to be owned by someone. but you shouldn't have to pay to get clean water, at least not in the way that we currently do. there should never be anyone who "can't afford" water. it should be a tax: your taxes pay for the water company, and everybody can get water. like school, or roads, or other public goods that are less important.


Anonymous said...

In the off-chance I haven't told you this already, you really need to read "The Fifth Sacred Thing" by Starhawk. I think it would make sense to you on so many different levels. Check it out of the library or borrow my copy. (I won't need it for a while.)

Anonymous said...

Hippy-Dippy Little likes.

Ragged Man said...

Point: compressed air is sold in cans. Or rented out in scuba tanks.

I'm with you on the other points, though.

K said...

i can get behind the sale/rental of compressed air tanks, because you can live without air-dusting your belongings or going scuba diving. most of what you're paying for is the compression, yes? you're buying the luxury of having air available in a form in which it might not be otherwise, making it useful for purposes other than the natural sustainment of life.